Sunday, September 16, 2018

9.14.18 Week in Review in 182

Our theme this week was tone and mood. In Language Arts, we continued character work and noticed what can affect the characters actions and reactions. We noticed how the author creates the tone (emotion expressed)  and how that affects the mood (emotion felt) of the readers and the characters. We also noticed that other characters affect our protagonist in either positive or negative ways. We wondered how these reactions will move the plot forward.

Our character work has been a great segue to the social-emotional and teambuilding work we continue to develop. We discussed how tone and mood affect us in our work and how it affects how we interact with other people.  Using an improv exercise I learned in a Winnetka University class, students gave of a case scenario using a specific tone of voice and the other students had to react with the proper mood. We also used a variation of this technique during MAP testing by writing down something that made us feel happy so we could help our mood when we felt stressed.

In Social Studies, we finished working on the characteristics of a civilization using the GRAPES acronym (ask your child what the letters mean). Next, we will see how those pieces needed to evolve as early humans went from hunter-gatherers living in caves to organized and developed communities.

As a reminder, please pack a healthy and hearty snack to be eaten @9:50AM. Also, please only send water to drink as sticky spills attract pesky pests. 

Upcoming dates:

Monday, September 17 - bring your cell phone to school - the students don't know, but they will be texting you a pledge to use capital letters and correct spelling in their texts. If they don't own a cell phone, that is OK, we can use their iPads.

Tuesday, September 18 - 6th-grade Team Building Field Trip  - please pack a lunch and a drink, wear closed toe shoes and clothes you won't mind getting a little bit dirty.

Wednesday, September 19 - No School - religious holiday 

Week of October 15th - Conferences (student attended).  20-minute slot sign-ups will be available at the end of next week -- remember to sign up only once on your advisor's link. You will spend the first ten minutes in the advisor room and then switch to the team room for the next ten minutes. 

Have a great weekend. Go Cubs!

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